Excerpts from Psalm 118

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. “

“In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Yes , the Lord is for me; He will help me.”

“Open for me the gates the the righteous enter, an I will go in a thank the Lord. These gates lead to the presence of the Lord, and the godly enter her. I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory!

The stone the the builders reject has now become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing, and it is wonderful to see. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

“The Lord is God shining upon us. Take the sacrifice and bind with cords on the altar. You are my God, and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will exhale you!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.” (Psalm 118:1, 5-7, 18-24,27-29, NLT)

Psalm 113

“Praise the Lord!

Yes, give praise O servants of the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever. Everywhere – from east to west – praise the name of the Lord. For the Lord is high above the nations; His glory is higher than the heavens.

Who can be compared to the Lord, our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of His own people! He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother.

Praise the Lord!”

Psalm 112

“Praise the Lord! How joyful are the who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. They themselves will be wealthy, and their good deeds will last forever.

Light shines in the darkness for the godly. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous. Good comes to those who lend money generously and conduct their business fairly. Such people will not be overcome by evil.

Those who are righteous will be long remembered. They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust in the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered. They will have influence and honor.

The wicked will see this and be infuriated. They will grind their teeth in anger; they will slink away, their hopes thwarted.”

Excerpts from Psalm 111

“Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart as I meet His godly people. How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in Him should ponder them. Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails. He causes us to remember His wonderful works. How gracious is our merciful Lord!”

“He has paid a full ransom for His people. He has guaranteed His covenant with them forever. What a holy, awe-inspiring name He has! Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey His commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise Him forever!”(Psalm 111: 1-5, 9-10, NLT)

Excerpts from Psalm 108

(A son, A psalm of David)

“My heart is confident I’m You, O God; no wonder I can sing Your praises with all my heart! Wake up, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song. I will thank You, O Lord, among all the people. I will sing Your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. You faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May Your glory shine all over the earth.” (Psalm 108: -5, NLT)

Excerpts from Psalm 107

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies.”

“Some went off to sea in ships, plying the trade routes of the world. They, too, observed the Lord’s power in action, , His impressive works on the deepest seas. He spoke and the winds rose, stirring up the waves. Their ships were tossed into the heavens and plunged again into the depths; the sailers cringed in terror. Thy relied and staggered like drunkards and were at their wit’s end. ‘Lord help! they cried in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as He brought them safely into harbor! Let them praise the wonderful things He has done for them. Let them exalt Him publicly before the congregation and the before the leaders of the nation.”

“Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord.” (Psalm 107: 1-8, 23-31, 43, NLT)

Excerpts from Psalm 106

“Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His faithfulness endures forever. Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord? Who can ever praise Him enough? There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right.

Remember me, Lord, when You show favor to Your people; come near and rescue me. Let me share in the prosperity of Your chosen ones. Let me rejoice for Your people; let me praise You with those are Your heritage.” (Psalm 106: 1-5, NLT)

Excerpts from Psalm 105

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done. Sing to Him, yes, sing His praises. Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds. Exult in His holy name; rejoice, you who worship the Lord. Search for the Lord and for HIs strength; continually seek Him. Remember the wonders He has performed, His miracles, and the rulings He has given, you children of his servant Abraham, You descendent of Jacob, His chosen ones.” (Psalm 15: 1-56, NLT)

Excerpts from Psalm 104

“Let all that I am praise the Lord.

O Lord my God, how great You are! You are robed with honor and majesty. You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens; You lay out the rafters of Your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds Your chariot; You ride upon the wings of the wind. The winds are Your messengers; flames of fire are Your servants. “

“You make spring pour water into the ravines, so steams gush down from the mountains. They provide water for al the animals, and the wild donkeys quench their thirst. The birds nest beside the streams and sing among the branches of the trees. You send rain on the mountains from Your heavenly home, and You fill the earth with the fruit of Your labor. You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for people to use. You allow them to produce food fro the earth- wine to make them glad, olive oil to soothe their skin and bread to give them strength.”

“You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to set. You send the darkness, and it becomes light, when all the forest animals prowl about. The young lions roar for for their prey, stalking the food provided by God. At dawn they slink back to their dens to rest. Then people go off to their work, where they labor until evening.

O Lord, what a variety of things You have made! In wisdom You have made the all. The earth is full of Your creatures. Here is the ocean, vast and wide, teeming with life of every king, both large and small. See the ships sailing along, and the Leviathan, which You made to play in the sea.”

“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath! May all my thought be pleasing to Him, for I rejoice in the Lord.”
(Psalm 104 1-4, 10-15, 19-16, 33-34, NLT)

Excerpts from Psalm 103

A psalm of David

“Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise His holy name. Let all that I am praise the lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals my diseases. He redeemed me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is revived like the eagle’s!”

“He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him. For He knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust. Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone- as though we had never been here. But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear Him. His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to His covenant, of those who obey His commandments! The Lord has made heaven His throne; from there He rules over everything.

Praise the Lord, you angels, you might ones who carry out His plans. Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels who serve Him and do His will! Praise the Lord, everything He has created, everything in all His kingdom.

Let all I am praise the Lord.” Psalm 103: 1-5, 12-22, NLT)