Daily Prayer and Devotion

Somewhere around 15 years ago, a co-worker and I were discussing prayer time and devotion. If I remember correctly, I commented that I prayed at night before going to sleep, and often I would fall asleep while praying. My friend said that she wrote her prayers in a prayer journal first thing the morning. Others had told me prayer and devotion was a good way begin your day. Thus, I began writing my prayers and reading my devotion in the morning with my first cup of coffee.

After reading about different types of prayer journals. I adopted the following suggestions . I typically just use an inexpensive spiral notebook. My prayers are divided into several sections. First, I start with praying to God and thanking him for what He has done for me over the past 24 hours. (e.g. safe travel, good night’s sleep, other specifics)

I write two memorized passages from Psalms. “Search me, and know my heart. Try my anxiety, see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me to the everlasting.” This is paraphrased from Palm 13:23-24 (NKJV), and “Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me from you spirit. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with Your generous Spirit.” This paraphrase from Psalm 51: 10-12 (NKJV)

I ask God to reveal to me any unconfessed sin and then I pray for forgiveness of my specific sins and shortcomings. Then I ask God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the spirit – peace, joy, love, kindness, goodness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. (See Galatians 5:22-23)

I thank the Lord for good health and pray for healing of any infirmities that I might have, other things pertinent to that day. I end this portion of my prayer with asking the Lord to help me to know His plan for my life.

In the next portion of my prayer journal, I pray for specifics for my spouse, and my children and their families.

I have a separate notebook, which is actually a day planner, which list all of the other people that I pray for. The list includes folks with health issues, both short-term and other specific needs. Some people never leave my list, and others who have had their prayers answered , I can remove from my list. Facebook has a Prayer Warrior page, and I also pray for the needs that I have read recently.

After my prayer list, I pray for salvation for my unsaved friends.

Lastly, I end my written prayers for the morning with giving praise, honor and glory to God, and end my prayer, in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Following my prayer journal, I read a daily devotion from “Our Daily Bread” and the Scripture reference, and then I read a chapter from the Bible.

One final thought – clear your mind of distractions, if possible, and focus on prayer and devotion time with God.