I have written two Christian Fiction Novels – They can be read separately, or as a sequel. Books are available in paperback or ebook on Amazon.


Thomas Newell flees to America, robbed of his inheritance after false accusation of multiple murders. Two centuries later, Aspen Blair finds an old letter written by the brother of the man who committed the crimes. The letter mentions a mysterious, wooden key which opens a hidden drawer. Aspen ventures to England, searching for the lost spar box in hopes of finding her ancestor’s inheritance.


In The Spar Box, Aspen Blair meets Tyler Dent in England. Together they search for her ancestor’s lost inheritance. In Bahamian Escapade, Harvey Merritt hire Aspen and Tyler to crew with his friend, Buddy Sharp to sail his new yacht from Georgia to the Exuma Islands. Merritt plans to surprise his wife with the sailing vessel as her retirement present. Aspen and Tyler experience the beauty of the Abacos, Eleuthera and Exuma Islands during their five-week adventure. Calamity befalls one night when the boat mysteriously runs aground on a jagged shore. The captain and crew search for answers.