Sharpening The Carvin’ Knife

(This is the first installment from our guest storyteller)

Years ago when I was 12, we lived in a small town at house on the end of Main Street. My family went to church every Sunday.  I was saved when I was 11, but still was a very active boy, and was in trouble a lot. 

One day when I got out of school, I decided to go to the five and dime store down the road. As I walked by the Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Ben was sitting in an old wicker rocking chair, just outside the building. He was sharpening what looked like an ‘ole widow Barnes’ carvin’ knife.  He said howdy, and asked if I had been keeping out of trouble. I responded, “Sheriff, you know I got saved last year, but it’s hard for me to be good.” 

Then Sheriff Ben looked me right in the eye and tenderly spoke, “You know, growing up in a life in Jesus is like sharpening an old, dull knife.” 

“How is that Sheriff Ben?”

Then he continued, “As a new Christian, you are dull to the word of God. Jesus takes you with a coarse stone like this here stone, and gets the rust off and starts to make a rough edge on you, like a knife.  He knows you are rough at first, but He loves you and wants to lead you down the right path.” 

“Were is this path?” I asked. 

“You can start by following the path to Sunday School, to learn how Jesus wants you to live.” 

“I have been goin’ to Sunday School.”

“But do you listen and take into your heart?”

“Well… not really.”

“Then start listening and learn.” 

“I will.”

“Very good,” replied Sheriff Ben, “because you will grow in Jesus and He will continue to hone you into the person that He wants you to be.” 

“Yes sir, I will do my best to be sharp.” 

Ben responded, “That’s the spirit! Let’s pray together. 

Oh, Lord, we praise and worship Your holy name. We thank You for all Your blessings. Please go with us and lead us down the path to grow closer to You.  We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.