The Blueberry Bush and the Vine

After enjoying the warm weather which I thought was an early spring in February, the month of March had a different idea. It seemed like winter again with morning lows below freezing. In the midst of the warm weather, the trees and bushes started blooming. That caused me to take a look at our two blueberry bushes which were full of blooms.

We were still having subfreezing morning temperatures, so I decided to cover the blueberry with a lightweight cover. The next morning after the temperature rose above freezing, I went outside to remove the covering. The wind had already blown the cover off most of the bushes except for a thorny vine that had made its way through the blueberry bush and the cover caught by the thorns.

Further investigation revealed that this rogue vine with thorns, as it made its ways from the ground to the top of the blueberry bush, at the site of each thorn, the plant had long tendrils that wrapped itself around the branches. I removed the cover and attempted to remove the vine. Careful not to prick my fingers, I broke away the tendrils from each branch, freeing the blueberry bush.

This reminded me of the way sin works. It grows a seemingly harmless growth in one’s life, and attaches itself to one’s mind. If not stopped it immediately, before one knows it, the sin spreads through your life and takes control. But by admitting one is a sinner,(Romans 3:23 and 6:23) believe the Christ died for our sins (John 3:16)and confess Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9-10) He will release you from that sin.