The Wordless Book of Salvation

In 1911, Charles Spurgeon referred to a man who created a wordless Book. It only had three pages, black, red and white. Two more pages have been added since then. This is an excellent tool for teaching the plan of salvation to children, by remembering the colored pages and their meaning. It is available online.

The Plan of Salvation.
If you died today, do you know for sure you would go to heaven?

God Loves us an wants us to all be with Him in heaven and have eternal life.
John 14:2

Because we have all sinned, we cannot be with God.
Romans 3:23

Jesus took the punishment for our sis and died for us on the cross.
1 John 1:7

When we believe in Jesus, we will be made clean from sin, whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7

It is important to grow in your relationship with Jesus by reading the Bible and praying.
2 Peter 3:5